Baseline helps you unlock investor engagement, leading to capital raising efficiency
Offer your investors exclusive access to a state of the art online portal where they can browse investment opportunities and explore your track record of success. With Baseline, you’ll create a long-lasting professional experience that helps you stand out.
Secure capital for loans and funds by creating and publishing offerings in minutes. Then, seamlessly manage investor transactions in the same place.
Give investors real-time insights and detailed reporting in user friendly formats. Foster transparency and trust by keeping your investors informed and engaged.
Manage your investment funds with unparalleled ease and precision. Set up, administer, and track transactions. Stay on top of every aspect of fund management.
Pricing plans are based on active loan volume. All plans are month to month for ultimate flexibility.
Service your private real estate loans in-house with Baseline’s automated workflows.
Discover what lending experts are thinking about and listen to their experiences.